We continued to test the shooter today to find an optimal angle and speed for various distances. The shooter has a kP of 0.0015 and a kF of 0.000225. RPM is measured on the motor, not the shooter wheel. The shooter is mounted on a table 30in off the ground. At 350in, 2850 RPM and 13 degrees can get the ball in. At 420in, 3350 RPM and 20 degrees can get the power cells in reliably. Currently 20 degrees seems like the optimal shooter angle, being able to shoot consistently from 10-35ft from the target. This angle was not tested at 350in but worked for shorter distances. The max RPM required was about 3600 for shooting at 10ft @ 20 degrees. The shooter takes about 1-1.5 seconds to recover to full speed after shooting a single power cell. At high velocities, shooting multiple power cells in a short period of time may cause the battery to brown out.