Indexer tower CAD started to look decent, we'll likely need to use a belly pan to support the tower since it's floating in the middle of the bot. The top feed objectives are essentially:
keep balls from coming out when we don't want them to (shoot exactly as many as we want)
have fast feed when we want to
allow the belts in the rest of the tower to keep spinning even when one ball is jammed at the top
An essie-style large roller in tight compression powered separately from the belts should be enough, but the slipperiness needs to be controlled. A piston at the back of the tower might be useful to force balls through, and also prevent extras from going if it stays extended. That's probably unnecessary though.
Started putting some test wheels and stuff on the drivetrain shafts, one of the holes was misaligned with the versablock so that had to get filed. Not a costly mistake.